Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hilarious Story

So I was dozing this morning, and my cat Pumpkin came in and was playing something. My brother's cat Kendrick came in and tried to take it from her. Usually, they duke it out until one gets the toy, but Pumpkin GROWLED at Kenny. So I reluctantly got up, and followed them into my brothers room. Pumpkin was throwing the thing up in the air, and then picking it back up in her mouth, and carrying it around. It was brown, and I realized that it wasn't one of their regular toys. I walked closer, and picked Pumpkin up. She started crying, and didn't stop until I put her down. I picked up my brothers jeans, which was where Pumpkin left the object. I saw a tail, and couldn't believe it. I turned on the light, and moved the jeans the rest of the way off of the object. It was a mouse. Pumpkin had either obviously killed it, or it was the dead one that they killed like 3 months ago (most likely the first one).  Pumpkin is a true mouser!
On Isaiah's toys...

This one is sorta blurry, but you can sorta see the blob by
the lamp base.
So because the photos from earlier this morning were not nearly
decent enough, I went outside, got the bag out of the trash can, opened it, and 
took a photo of the very dead mouse. Enjoy ;)


  1. Lol it wasnt your problem! I was a little surprised to see that thing! lol

    1. I'd probably freak out or, "Smash it with a hammer!" muahahahah=D

  2. Haha I'm sure you would. I can see you doing that! I used my "Thor" hammer to smash the dickens out of a spider once...just for fun but it was in my room so...yeah

    1. Nice;) I used my dad's rubber work hammer to smash a worm. Kenna was watching me and the worm's guts squirted all over us:)

  3. Wow...what'd she do? What'd YOU do? Lol

    1. We kind of *eeked* We didn't scream loudly so it was more of an, "Eww! Gross!" kind of scream;)

  4. 29 MORE DAYS!!! Lily's freaking out;)

  5. You guys will NEVER be ready for this your entire lives!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
