Thursday, October 30, 2014

Decisions, decisions

So I have an issue...ever since my brother Isaiah started going to public school...he's made it sound so good. I like homeschool...but Isaiah gets to see his friends all the time, friends from my soccer team are there, and so it sounds great! Meanwhile I'm here, with a boatload of work to do, can't play with friends because I'm behind in math (which is sort of my fault), don't get to see my friends that often anyways, etc.
So this is the home school program I'm doing right now...Classical Conversations,
or CC for short.

This is the logo for Hoover Highschool. I was talking to my mom about it,
and she said that it'd be hard to go to Meredith Middle School now, because
it's so late in the year. So next year I'd be in high school, so Hoover is where I'd have to go
because it's the one that our neighborhood has to go yeah. Please pray for me as
I pray and think about this. I'll do some research, and so forth, but this is a BIG decision for me...
because my dad didn't want to send Isaiah to public school, and my mom said that she and him were talking, and my mom said, "I'm concerned about him because he's not doing the work he did in Challenge A." And my dad said that he was concerned that because we were sending Isaiah to public school that I would want to go to public school as well, and he didn't want that...


  1. Hey, you can put that link on your blog if you want:)

  2. Praying. =)
    Maybe you could pray too, and ask God what He would want you to do. Decisions are rough but the ones we make now affect our lives forever! I know, yikes. ;) Being an adult (or close to one anyway) can be super scary. I can't really think of anything else to say right now, but the first thing that came to mind was that I hope you never forget how much Jesus loves you. :) He'll help you make the right decision!

  3. P.S. Sorry, I really need to comment on your blog more! I'll do my best. It looks awesome btw =)
